



A. Dialog  

Consultant:  Good morning, Mr. Larson. I'm pleased that you're thinking of marketing@ your products abroad.

@market 販売する

Businessman:  Yes, we have a good product, and it should be in demand@ in other countries. But I don't know how to begin.


Consultant: Well, actually, that's the most difficult part of foreign trade@ taking the first step.


Businessman:  I'd like to try to market abroad only one line@ − a small office machine for putting sheets of paper together.


Consultant:  That sounds interesting.

Businessman:  Do you think I should export to only one country?

Consultant:  Well, I'd start with one country and see how that works out.

Businessman: Would I need to go to that country and sell my product myself?

Consultant:  No. But a visit to the country would be a good idea.

Businessman: What would I do there?

Consultant:  Among other things@, you'd locateA an agentB who'd sell your product.

@とりわけ A探し出す B代理店

Businessman:  How would I find an agent?

Consultant:  First, you may find the name of an agent through our government's Commerce Department@.

@商務省 正式名称は、Department of Commerce

Businessman:  That sounds like a good suggestion@. Another thing. How can I find out if my product is in demand in another country? 



The Commerce Department can help you on that, too. Foreign Service Officers@make economic reports to the Commerce Department about market conditions, controlsA, tariffsB, and quotasC in other countries. 

@海外駐在商務官 A貿易管理 B関税 C(輸入)割当


Can I see these reports?


Yes, and you can also examine market reports.


Good. I can find out who I'm competing with and measure@ the competitionA.

@〜を評価する A競争


(This dialog will be continued in Lesson 2.)


B. Terminology Practice  

agent: someone outside a company who sells its product

The agent will take orders.

A well-known agent is best.

Is your agent a very good one?

commerce: trade

This is a report on foreign commerce@. 


I've learned a great deal about commerce.

Have you read his study on European commerce?

Commerce Department: a United States government agency dealing with commerce

The Commerce Department issues many reports.

Many businessmen visit the Commerce Department.

The Bureau of International Commerce@ is part of the Department of Commerce.

@貿易局 現在は、International Trade Administrationという。

compete: in this sense, try to make one's product sell as well as possible when similar products are being marketed by other companies.

To compete well takes hard work.

Some people do not care to compete.

One must usually compete to make money.

competition: sale of the same or a similar product

Competition helps the buyer.

Competition keeps businessmen busy.

Most traders have competition.

controls: in this sense, governmental limits on the movement of money and products

Controls limit exports.

Foreign traders should know about controls.

Most countries have controls on trade.

export: send abroad

Do you wish to export?

To export means to market my product abroad.

Where shall I export?

Foreign Service Officers: government representatives@ in foreign countries 


Some Foreign Service Officers specialize inA trade matters. 


Foreign traders visit Foreign Service Officers.

Foreign Service Officers make reports.

foreign trade: trade with another country

Foreign trade is very interesting.

Our foreign trade is growing.

Most large companies are in foreign trade.

in demand: wanted by the customer

My product is in demand here.

Is it also in demand abroad?

If my product is in demand I'll export.

line: a particular kind of product

My line is in demand.

I'll start a new line.

I'll sell my old line abroad.

market: sell a product or put it on sale

I'll market my product here.

Marketing presents@ many problems.

@present 〜を提起する

Are there many books on marketing?

market reports: facts and figures@ on what buyers want to buy 


Market reports cover many things.

In foreign trade, market reports show what products are in demand.

You can make your own market report.

product: a thing made by a company

This product is made by my company.

Will you market that product this year?

Our products are selling well.

quota: a limited or set quantity

Some countries have quota controls.

A quota is a limit on the goods that go into a country.

A quota can be removed.

tariff: a charge or customs duty imposed@ by a government on goods coming into a country 

@impose 〜を課す

Tariffs increase the cost of a product.

Do you think the tariff is too high?

The exporter does not like the tariff.

trade: buying and selling

Trade is often limited by governments.

There's a lot of trade between our countries.

We trade very little in that part of the world.