A. DialogBusinessman: How can I be sure my product will sell in a particular@ country if someone else is already selling there? @特定の Consultant: Well, you'll have to learn to compete. Businessman: But how can I do this successfully@? @首尾よく Consultant: Pretty much the same way@ you do here. First, you must be sure your product is top qualityA. Then, you can try to keep the price lower than that of your competitor. @同じように A最高の品質 Businessman: What about replacement parts@? @取替部品 Consultant: Yes, that's important. The best method is to arrange@ to deliver replacement parts or repair parts@ promptlyA by air. @修理部品 A迅速に Businessman: And I'll have to train some people to service@ the machines. @補修する Consultant: Yes. Or perhaps you can leave@ that to your agent. @〜を任せる Businessman: It gets pretty complicated@. @面倒な Consultant: That's true. But you must think of all these details@ before you draw upA a contractB with an agent. @詳細 A作成する B契約 Businessman: I don't know. Because of the extra risks involved@ in exporting, is it really worthA the effort? @involve 〜を伴う A〜の価値がある Consultant: Oh, I think so. But you're right. There are more business risks than in selling on the domestic market@. @国内市場 Businessman: And another thing that concerns@ me is language differences. @〜を心配させる Consultant: Well, it might be best to export first to a country where your own language is spoken or well-known. Businessman: That would cut down@ the problem of translating labelsA, markingsB, instructionsC, and advertising. @少なくする Aラベル B荷印 C取扱説明書 Consultant: Yes. All these things are important. But the first thing for you to do, I would say, is to learn the details of exporting―shipping@ by sea or air, documentationA, certificationB of documents, insuranceC, export and import regulationsD, and packingE. @船積み(出荷)A書類作成 B証明 C保険 D輸出入規制 E包装 Businessman: Right. I think I'll go to the Department of Commerce now and find out what I can. I also want to get some information about pricing@ and creditA. @価格設定 A信用供与
B. Terminology Practice
advertising: any method of making known@ that products or services are for sale @〜を知らせる Advertising may state that a product is top quality. The newspaper is a good means of advertising. Advertising may be written or spoken. certification of documents: a statement in writing that documents have been checked by an authorized person@ and found to be accurate @権限保持者 Some documents call for certificationA. A証明 A chargeB is sometimes made for certification of documents. B手数料 Certification of documents is important. competitor: someone who sells the same or a similar product My competitor makes a good machine. My product costs less than that of my competitor. I think my product is better than my competitor's. contract: an agreement@ between two or more people which can be legallyA enforcedB @合意 A法的に Benforce 制約する Your contract with your agent is the first step. The contract should be clear. The contract should be simple. credit: permission@ to make paymentA at some future time; reputationB for making payments as one has promisedC @承認 A支払う B評判 Cpromise 〜を約束する The customerD may ask for credit. D顧客 Your agent will know whether a buyer's credit is good. Most shipments are made on credit. document: a paper or papers which contain important information This document must be kept safe. Are these all the documents? Sign the document here, please. documentation: in this sense, papers to go with a product that is shipped which are connected with@ its shipping, ownershipA, and destinationB @関連がある A所有権 B仕向地 Documentation is sometimes difficult. Agents should understand documentation. Care must be taken in documentation. domestic market: people in one's home country who may buy a product The domestic market has fewer risks than the foreign market. Some businessmen sell only to the domestic market, don't they? It's easier to know what's in demand on the domestic market. import: adj., concerning the bringing from abroad of products; n., product brought from abroad You'll need to know the import regulations@ of the country to which you export. @規制 Import charges are called tariffs. Some imports are controlled by quotas. instructions: directions@ for use of a product) @取扱説明 Instructions may be on the label. Don't markings sometimes carry instructions? Instructions may be sent separately from the product. insurance: protection@ against risk @予防 Export insurance may be bought. Products should not be shipped without insurance. Agents sometimes arrange forA the insurance. A手配する marking: in this sense, information put on a product or its package A product may have a marking@ to identifyA it. @荷印 A特定する Markings on a product often tell what it is made of. Sometimes markings are required by law. pricing: deciding what a product should cost Foreign tariffs affect@ pricingA. @〜に影響する A価格設定 Pricing depends in part on the cost of shipping. PackagingB is sometimes included in pricing. B包装 replacement parts: parts of a product that take the place of those which are worn@ or brokenA @摩耗した A故障した I always send replacement parts by air. The replacement parts must reach the customer quickly. A broken machine will not work without replacement parts. risk: in this sense, possibility of loss@ @損害 Many risks are found in exporting. There is always some risk in trade. ExtraA risks may mean extra profits. A余計な