




In fact, there are three possible scenarios for the trade deficit, each of which implies a different set of consequences for the U.S. economy and for the global economy:

•Business as usual  One possibility is that the trade deficit remains high. The rest of the world keeps shipping goods and services to the U.S. while it continues to lend the U.S. the money to pay for the imports.

•Global restructuring  Alternatively, the trade deficit shrinks because U.S. consumers cut back on imports and the rest of the world has to adjust to a global economy that lacks the U.S.'s customary demand and borrowing.

•Innovative growth  The final possibility is that the trade deficit shrinks because the U.S. exports more innovative goods and services to the rest of the world.



















次の問に答えなさい。4点×3 + 4点 + 4点=20




1ABC CORPORATION as Seller hereby confirms the sale to the Buyer of the following goods on the terms and conditions given below INCLUDING ALL THOSE PRINTED ON THE REVERSE HEREOF, which are expressly agreed to and made a part of this Contract:

上記は輸出者が作成したSales Noteの表面約款の冒頭文言であるが、この文言によれば、輸入者は、裏面約款を無視して表面約款にある署名欄に署名するだけでよい。




(2)Unless otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement, the price and trade term “CIF” shall be interpreted in accordance with INCOTERMS 2000, as amended.





(3)Seller shall not be liable for any product liability claims made against, or liability incurred by Buyer in relation to personal injury and/or property damage arising from use of products.







If Seller is required to provide insurance under this Contract, such insurance shall be provided with a first class insurance company satisfactory to Buyer for an amount equivalent to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of invoice value, covering marine insurance of “All Risks” and “War and S.R.C.C.” Risks, unless otherwise agreed upon.


A 売主が保険を手配する場合は、買主の要求する一流の保険会社を起用し、送り状金額の110%に相当する額を保険金額とし、「分損担保」かつ「戦争およびストライキ危険」を填補する海上保険をかける。

B 売主が保険を手配する場合は、買主の満足する一流の保険会社を起用し、送り状金額の110%に相当する額を保険金額とし、「全危険担保」かつ「戦争およびストライキ危険」を填補する海上保険をかける。

C 売主が保険を手配する場合は、買主の満足する一流の保険会社を起用し、送り状金額の100%に相当する額を保険金額とし、「分損不担保」かつ「戦争およびストライキ危険」を填補する海上保険をかける。






Unless otherwise expressly agreed by the parties hereto in writing, the Prices stated in this Agreement are fixed during the term of this Agreement and shall not be subject to any adjustment on account of increase or decrease in costs of materials or labor by reason of severe shortage or oversupply thereof or on account of substantial change in exchange rate.











Businessperson: My first question is, how can I find out what countries need or want my product? 

Official: We have quite a lot of import/export information and can give you figures on population, production, consumption, and foreign exchange reserves. We can also provide some data about the volume and value of specific products exported to and imported from any single country.










1.  御社はハンブルグに本拠を置く化学品専門の商社だと了解しています。


解答欄:We understand that you are a Hamburg-based trading company specializing in the chemicals business.


2.  当社の会社案内および建設機械に関する総合カタログを各2部同封いたします。


解答欄:We are pleased to enclose two copies each of our company brochure and general catalog on construction machinery.




解答欄:We would appreciate your informing us of your prices and shipping time for your synthetic leather products.




解答欄:We wish to make the following offer for 200 sets of breathalyzer subject to our final confirmation:




解答欄:If you allow us a special 5% discount, we are ready to place a large order with you.




解答欄:Marine insurance shall be effected for an amount equivalent to 110% of the invoice value against All Risks.




解答欄:We thank you for your order, and hope that it will be the first case of our long-term business relationship with you.



解答欄:Your L/C covering your order No. 86 of October 15 has not reached us yet in spite of our repeated requests.




解答欄:Documentary drafts shall be presented to the negotiating bank within 10 days from the date of issuance of the bill of lading.


10.両当事者間に特段の了解がなければ、売主または買主によって提出された全ての価格は、ユーロ通貨建て(in Euro currency)でロッテルダムまでの運賃保険料込み価格と理解されるものとする。


解答欄:Unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, all prices submitted by seller or buyer shall be understood as CIF Rotterdam prices in Euro currency.






ヒューマン電子は、インドのMumbai Electronics Co., Ltd.(ムンバイ電子)が技術的に問題なく、しかも比較的安い値段でCD−ROMドライブを輸出していることを知り、引合い(サンプル送付も併せ要求)を行ったところ、下記のようなオファーを入手し、サンプルも送付してきました。


September 3, 20xx


Mr. Takeshi Kunimoto

Import Manager

Human Electronics Co., Ltd.
7-8-10 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku



Dear Mr. Kunimoto:


Subject: Offer for 2 models of CD-ROM Drive


We thank you very much for your inquiry of August 25, and would like to make the following firm offer, subject to our receiving your reply by September 30:


1. Product and Quantity: CD-ROM Drive, Model CDRD50 – 1,500 units

      CD-ROM Drive, Model CDRD60 – 1,000 units

2. Price: US$300/unit CIF Tokyo for Model CDRD50

               US$400/unit CIF Tokyo for Model CDRD60

3. Payment: Draft at-sight under an irrevocable letter of credit.

4. Insurance: Seller is to cover the CIF price plus 10% against All Risks

5 . Packing: Our standard export packing.

6. Inspection: Our inspection will be final.

7. Shipment: Within three months from our receipt of your L/C.


A sample of Model CDRD50 you requested was sent to you by airfreight yesterday for your demonstration of it to your customers.


We feel sure that the conditions we offer will be found quite competitive, and look forward to hearing from you shortly.


Sincerely yours,


Mumbai Electronics Co., Ltd.


Rania Gad

Rania Gad

Export Manager




ヒューマン電子は、上記のMumbai Electronics Co., Ltd.のオファーに対して下記のようなカウンターオファーをします。下記のデータを利用して手紙を作成し、解答欄に記入しなさい。


(1)手紙の日付(Date of a letter 20xx年9月20日


Ms. Rania Gad

Export Manager

Mumbai Electronics Co., Ltd.

1820 Rehaja Center

214, Darussalam Road

Andheri East

Bombay 400049



(4)書簡の内容(Content of the letter


CD−ROMドライブ、モデルCDRD50 およびCDRD60に対する20xx年9月3日付けオファー、さらに、別途空送していただいたサンプルを受領いたしました。




(5)手紙の筆者(Writer of the letter 国元武(輸入部部長)

(6)使用すべき表現(Expressions to be used

■空送する:send by airfreight


■基本的に問題ない:basically acceptable

     早期の引渡し:urgent delivery

     一覧払手形の代わりに一覧後30日払手形にfrom a sight-draft to a 30-day draft




September 20, 20xx


Ms. Rania Gad

Export Manager

Mumbai Electronics Co., Ltd.

1820 Rehaja Center

214, Darussalam Road

Andheri East

Bombay 400049



Dear Ms. Gad:

Subject: Counteroffer for improvement of delivery time and payment conditions


We have received your offer of September 3, 20xx for CD-ROM Drive, Model CDRD50 and Model CDRD60 together with the sample sent to us by airfreight separately.


Your offer and quality of the sample are basically acceptable to us. However, we would like to ask you to shorten your delivery time to two months, because our clients require urgent delivery. Furthermore, we would appreciate your modifying payment conditions from a sight-draft to a draft at 30 days after sight.


If you agree to our request for the modification, we are prepared to place an order with you immediately.


We look forward to receiving your favorable reply.


Sincerely yours,




Takeshi Kunimoto

Takeshi Kunimoto

Import Manager