KINGSBURY LTD Lymington Road Four Marks, Nr.
Alton Hampshire GU34 5EW
United Kingdom
Dear Mr.
Thank you
for your letter of 10 January,
in which you propose that we start to
do business based on our electronic products, specially our high resolutioncolor printer. We believe this is
aexcelent opportunity for both party to expand our business
activities into new fields.
We are well
aware that (the) information business in (the) UK has changed greatly during
(the) past ten years owing to
the rapidly increased use of personal computers. We completely agree
with your remarks (that) only
high quality products will find
(a) ready
As you requested, we are enclosing a general catalog on our electronic products and
a detailed information on our
range of high-resolution color
printers. We will like to
emphasize that our latest color
printers have enjoyed high
reputation here in Japan, reaching to (a) sale volume of 5,000 units within a
month from their
We believe you
will find that each of our products will satisfy your
We look forward
to start business with you very
A hyphen between two words can makeit
much easier to understand a sentence.
and "high-resolution"
would improve clarity and
ease of understanding. Americans do not
like hyphens.
It is not normal in
entirely in capital letters.
"have enjoyed a high reputation"("a"is
needed). This
phrase would be easily understood but
"reputation" would not normally be used
for a printer. It is
usually used
for people.
If "party" were changed to "parties"it
would be acceptable, though "companies"
sounds less legalistic.
"Yours faithfully," or "Yours truly," must
be used if the letter begins
"Dear Sirs,". If the letter begins
"Dear Mr Williamson" it must end"Yours